10 Significant Sublime Text Plugins for Javascript Developers to Use in 2020

The Sublime Text Plugin is one of the useful text editors that increase efficiency. Its user interface is simple and easy to understand by the users or the developers. This advanced text editor is highly customized and can be used cross-platform. Hence, here are ten Significant Sublime Text Plugins which can be quite useful for Javascript developers.


Sublime Text editor consists of various versatile features:

  • It’s much faster

  • Opens larger files or documents

  • Possesses extendible architecture for the plugin which increases

    the core functionalities of the documents

  • Installed through the ‘Package Control’ third-party package

  • Developers can easily differentiate amongst varied codes

  • Supports versatile snippets and plugins that aids in creating the

    coder-friendly setting

Let us now

look forward to some of the time-tested ten significant Sublime Text plugins

for the JavaScript developers that will enhance their performance while using their

creativity during coding.

Here are 10 Significant Sublime Text Plugins for JS Developers:

1. Package Control

Package Control PluginPackage Control Plugin


mentioned the Sublime Text plugin is installed by using the ‘Package Control’.

The Package Control facilitates the installation, upgradation, removal, and

viewing the list of the packages and plugins already installed. It supports the

seamless work performance. The package control can be installed through their



developers can install the ‘Package’ by using the command palette. The

developers can type ‘Add Repository’ that supports adding plugins, which can be

done easily through the repository URL. The developers can use the ‘Remove

Package’ that will remove the plugin from the system or any kind of assets from

the Package Directory.

2. Babel Plugin

Babel Plugin 2020Babel Plugin 2020

The Babel Plugin adds the syntax highlighting to the React JSX code and ES6/2015. The JavaScript developers must set this installed plugin as the default syntax for the TypeScript and JS file types.  This plugin allows the compilation of the ES6/ES7/ESNext, TypeScript, and JSX codes down to the ES5 for full browser support. The Babel greatly integrates with CLI and the build tools.

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3. Vue.JS Syntax Highlight

Vue.JS Syntax HighlightVue.JS Syntax Highlight

This is

also one of the important syntax highlighting Sublime Text plugins that is used

extensively by the JavaScript developers. Evan You built it. It is the

strongest framework where ‘*.Vue’ template is made to work that will further

assist in making the developers code readable. The Vue.JS syntax renders extra

help to the JS developers in coding.

4. SideBar Enhancements Plugin

SideBar Enhancements PluginSideBar Enhancements Plugin


one of the significant Sublime Text Plugins is the SideBar Enhancements Plugin,

which fixes the manipulation of the files in the sidebar tree. This plugin

provides the options as move to trash, ‘open with’ options for files and

folders and the clipboard option too. This plugin can be used for the


  • Opening the files in the web browser easily

  • Search operations

  • Copying the content of the files or documents as data:uri base 64

  • Integration with the SideBar Git in order to give ‘Git Commands’

    directly from the sidebar

  • Proper navigation of your projects of Java

5. Sublime Linter Plugin

Sublime Linter PluginSublime Linter Plugin

It is a plugin for the Sublime Text 3 where it provides the framework for the linting code. The JS developers can use any of the languages for coding but the Sublime Linter will assist in writing a bug-free and cleaner code. It renders flexibility and seamless usability for the linter writers. This plugin stands amongst the top 25 Sublime Text plugins for downloading it through Package Manager. It can be installed easily by typing ‘SublimeLinter-<lintername>’ and developers can use it afterward.

6. JSHint Plugin

JSHint PluginJSHint Plugin

JSHint is a community plugin tool that assists in detecting the problems and errors in the JavaScript codes. It helps the coding convention of your company’s team too. JSHint, one of significant Sublime Text plugins, is quite flexible and the developers can mold it according to the coding guidelines that they follow. They can even execute this code in any of the JS environment too. It is an open-source text plugin. Moreover, JavaScript developers can use it on OS X systems by typing ‘Ctrl+j’ and on the Linux, or the Windows, by typing ‘Alt+j”.

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7. GitGutter Text Plugin

GitGutter Sublime Text PluginGitGutter Sublime Text Plugin


JavaScript developers who use Git as their ‘source control’ needs to possess

the GitGutter Sublime Text Plugin. It is an amazing addition to the repetoire,

while using the Sublime Texts and improves the workflow of the developers. This

will support in using the varied Git commands straight from the Sublime Text

Plugin editor. It is one of the greatest additions to possess. The GitGutter

has the following main features:

  • Diff Popup– It provides the

    details about the modified lines in the codes

  • Gutter Icons– This indicates about

    the  modified, inserted or the deleted

    lines during coding

  • Goto Change:- It helps in an easy

    navigation between the modified lines

  • Status Bar Text:- This provides

    information about the repository and the files in the JavaScript

8. BracketHighlighter Plugin

BracketHighlighter Sublime Text PluginBracketHighlighter Sublime Text Plugin


BracketHighlighter Sublime Text Plugin is one of the significant text plugins

for JS developers. It adds color codes to the matching bracket, brace, tag, parenthesis,

and the cutter icons. It helps the developers to work in a hassle-free way so

that they do not end up messing their codes. For JS developers who are fond of

customizing their codes, the BracketHighlighter is one for them.


plugin is part of the significant Sublime Text Plugins because it highlights

the brackets in coding and the cursor automatically marks the beginning and the

end with the curly braces, quotes or parenthesis. If the developers are writing

the nested functions or the complicated mathematical series, the cursor will

indicate the blocks. This plugin also covers the advanced selected functions in


9. Boxy Theme Text Plugin

Boxy Theme Sublime Text PluginBoxy Theme Sublime Text Plugin

The Sublime Text plugin editors are making rounds and have already created a buzz amongst the JS developers. The developers or the users may not like to add themes but the Sublime Text 3 plugin themes facilitate in changing the file icons in the sidebar. There are groups of themes provided under the Sublime Text Plugin editor and Boxy Theme is one of them. The theme created for the developers to be applied to the list is aesthetically very pleasing and even the users can choose Seti_UI.

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10. Emmet Plugin

Emmet Plugin text editorEmmet Plugin text editor

The Emmet

Plugin text editor takes the code snippet by implementing the idea to a next

level. Here the developers can type the ‘CSS-like’ expressions that produce the

output and these can be dynamically parsed. The developers do not have to think

about the abbreviations.

This is

optimized and developed for web developers whose workflow depends upon the CSS

or HTML/XML. This plugin can be used with other programming languages too. The

Emmet plugin has nearly 2.2 million downloads from the Sublime Text community.

This plugin also replaced Zen Coding and it has emerged as the most popular

Sublime Text package.

Conclusion: –

Finally, it can be said that Sublime Text Plugin editor is a significant part of the coding environment since developers can use their skills in the best possible way. With the help of these significant Sublime Text Plugins, the developers can produce quality codes and work. Its sleek user interface, faster performance, and outstanding features make the Sublime Text plugins provide a ‘coder-friendly’ environment. It also facilitates in performing the coding tasks with ease.

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