Your Ecommerce Customers Will Be Thrilled When You Go ‘Headless’ 

It’s 2019, and your customers are more demanding than ever before. Smartphones have elevated instant gratification to new levels. They want rich content and new products, they want them on every channel and device at once, and they want them now. 

There’s one more thing your customers want: they want you to switch to a headless commerce tech infrastructure. They just don’t know it. 

Headless commerce is a new approach to ecommerce. It separates the content management and ecommerce business sides of your online store into two distinct yet linked platforms. It means that you can use a CMS or DXP platform to deliver rich, deep media experiences, without compromising on a powerful backend ecommerce solution. 


Headless commerce is the hidden secret that enables you to better fulfill your customers’ wishes, from compelling content to the hottest new trending direct sales channels, in a consolidated manner. And while it might sound expensive, you might even be able to handle the migration to headless on your own, on a fully self-service basis, without having to go through the whole process of selecting a developer to work with on the project. 

Here are five reasons why headless commerce is what your customers really, really want, even though they’ve probably never actually heard or used the term. 

1. Your customers want… a better content-led customer experience

Your customers are looking for a layered and textured customer experience that rests on rich content. The bar is high. Lifestyle brands and influencer marketing have prepped customer expectations for deep, multimedia content that tells a compelling story and makes them feel like they’re part of a “movement.” 

No matter what you’re selling, you need to provide enticing omnichannel marketing and sales interactions that cross all the touchpoints. 

Standard ecommerce platforms can’t deliver this level of customer experience. Their content management capabilities are relatively shallow and likely to disappoint your customers. Headless commerce places the customer at the forefront of your brand, enabling you to deliver an omnichannel customer journey that weaves together narratives into an engaging customer experience. 

2. Your customers want… cutting-edge innovation, but without anything changing

Every business faces this paradox: your customers don’t want your brand to change, but they also insist that you remain relevant and cutting-edge. 

Headless commerce helps you around this conundrum. By separating your content management and ecommerce engines, you can innovate your backend for faster processing, change plugins for a shorter response time, or maximize segmentation to deliver a more personalized customer experience, while maintaining the branding that your customers are familiar with. 

The reverse is also true. Headless commerce allows you to experiment with different themes, color schemes, and fonts on as many channels as you like, but still offer the same purchase and checkout experience that your customers expect. 

3. Your customers want… a consistent shopping experience

Your customers don’t shop on just one channel anymore. They might enter your marketing and sales funnel at any point – from your social media feeds, email marketing, native app advertising, price comparison platforms or offline ads. 

They use multiple devices for a single purchase, shifting from desktop to smartphone and from tablet to laptop, and they expect to pick up exactly where they left off each time. 

Headless commerce meets those expectations. With headless commerce, you can ensure that your branding, content, prices, inventory figures and everything else is all consistent on every channel, so your customers never lose their stride as they complete their purchase journey. 

4. Your customers want… a frictionless checkout and last mile 

Your customers want a smooth purchase journey all the way until their new product arrives in their laps. 

Compelling content and consistent branding are important, but it could still all fail at the final hurdle of delivery. It’s vital to provide a secure, frictionless checkout flow that doesn’t slow anyone down, followed by reliable fulfillment and delivery service that doesn’t get stuck at the last mile. 

Headless commerce delivers on your promises. You can connect the same powerful backend ecommerce section to every virtual storefront and all sales channels. Using plugins, APIs and platforms’ native integrations with others, you can ensure that inventory management, logistics, payment processing, and shipping and returns all go without a hitch, on every channel and every device. 

5. Your customers want… you to know what they want before they want it

It’s not enough to respond to customer needs today; you need to anticipate and preempt them. Reactive is old news. If you miss out on the next hot product, you might not get a second chance at winning back your customers. 

That means that you need to be constantly carrying out consumer research, A/B testing new goods and services, following your marketing metrics, and checking out the latest trends. Headless commerce helps you along. You can easily try out new products, or test the water with a new storefront or marketing approach, without any danger of messing up your commerce engine.

nalyze customer response, then make changes swiftly if necessary, or replicate it and roll it out across all your channels if you’ve got the formula right. Having this type of agility keeps you ahead of the market so that you can already stock the newest bestseller before your customers realize they want it. 

Headless commerce is the best thing your customers never knew they needed

Headless commerce gives you the capability to respond to all of your customers’ demands. Whether it’s faster checkout, consistent branding, richer content, constant innovation, or the latest new trends, headless commerce is the answer to their every request. 

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