Best Background Screening Options to Keep Your Kids Safe

Being a

parent is no easy task. Juggling your time with kids, your spouse, work and

social life is an eternally stressful experience. And on top of all that comes

your children’s safety, even the thought of which gets most parents tensed up.

The safety

of kids is at the top of the priority list of any parent. It is also something

that weighs in your mind every day whether you are a parent of a toddler or a

teenager. If your teenage son starts hanging out with a new friend you haven’t

met before, you are hoping and praying that they won’t be a bad influence. When

you are getting a new babysitter, you get paranoid about the safety of your

toddler. If your teenage daughter starts dating someone new, you want to know

everything about the new boyfriend. You want to hire help around the house, but

you keep wondering how safe it is for your kids. And then there is that new

tutor you want to get for your son, but you keep wishing you knew a bit more


There is a

reason why you can’t help but worry as a parent. It is not simply about the

idea of your children constantly being exposed to people you have little

control over. It is more about the profoundly perplexing nature of human beings

and how difficult it is to predict and understand human behavior, leaving both

children and adults equally vulnerable and exposed to the unpredictable dangers

of life.


and studies are abound drawing attention to the many dangers of modern society

and the increasing complexities added by technology. Around 20 percent of

girls and 8 percent of boys under the age of 18 are estimated to encounter some

form of sexual abuse

According to a New York Times article, 45 million photos and

videos of child sex abuse were reported by tech companies
in 2018 – an alarming figure that

provides context to the dangers that are very real not just in our physical

world, but also in our digital environment. However, identifying any such

incidents of abuse or violence is equally difficult for parents as most

children shy away from discussing them. One study reveals that 73 percent of victims

of child abuse do not mention the incident for at least 1 year, while a

staggering 45 percent of victims go on for as much as 5 years before speaking


All these

have driven governments, lawmakers, law enforcers as well as corporates to

strengthen systems to protect you and your loved ones from preventable dangers.

But there are steps that you as a parent can also take to ensure the safety and

security of your children.

Taking Matters to Your Hand

Most parents resort to taking matters to their hands when it

comes to precautionary measures. Some of the most common practices for parents

are firing a few calls and asking around from friends, family and colleagues

for recommendations, opinions or some form of background information. A close

look at social media platforms is another common way to dig into a person’s

personal life. But the flip side of this process is the inability to filter

accurate information and the personal biases and perspective that could distort

details. Parents often do not have the time to spare or know exactly where to

look, and therefore may continue to randomly hunt for information. The

credibility of these sources, especially social media sites, also becomes a

problem, with so much room for misrepresentations and exaggerations that these

platforms provide today. Facebook, which claims to have 2.38 billion active

users, took down 2.2 billion

fake accounts during the first quarter of this year alone
. This is especially alarming when

studies have also shown that 1 out of 4 people

provide false information on their Facebook profiles
due to various reasons.

Technology to the Rescue


background search sites such as Nuwber have grown in popularity among

parents in the recent few years as they provide an ideal solution to alleviate

all these challenges. They provide an affordable solution to carry background

screenings with a single piece of information. Nuwber, for example, allows

parents to verify information and do background searches on its website using

an email address, name or telephone number. Most people are attracted to these

sites not only because of their affordability but also due to the accuracy,

convenience and the time-saving benefits they offer. By using complex

algorithms, they are able to access a vast network of inter-connected platforms

to filter and provide you with information that is most relevant to your


From public

reports to social media platforms and criminal records, the amount of

information these background search websites can provide is quite incredible.

While verifying basic details such as the residential address, marital status

and property records, they can also dig into a person’s professional background

including their career history and current employment. They can even check into

any traffic violations or more importantly criminal records such as any child

sex offenses. You can also get some insights into their values and beliefs and

do a verification of any details they have already provided in their

application. So the next time you are planning on hiring that babysitter, you

can not only check their previous work history but also get a glimpse of their

character and personality on top of a quick and effortless scan of any criminal


More and

more parents are resorting to these background search sites which provide a

worry-free and hassle-free solution. Whether it is a background screening of

the new babysitter or checking the work history of the new tutor, these sites

seem to provide a fast and efficient solution to ease the stress of busy

parents. If you are one of those parents who are

eternally struggling to juggle multiple responsibilities, it seems for now you

can leave your worries aside, knowing that you have significant access to

information on whomever your kids are dealing with. After all, ensuring the

safety and security of children is the number one priority for any parent.

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