9 Awesome Platforms to Buy and Sell Websites in 2020

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of the biggest misconceptions I have come across is that to make it big in

blogging you have to start from scratch.


if you are not able to maintain your blog, it is just a matter of time before

your website dies down and you lose your investment.


both of these issues can be tackled with one simple thing: domain flipping.


flipping is not limited to domains; it is applied to websites as well as for

applications and online businesses. With the internet, you can sell almost

everything online. You need to find the right audience to pitch to.

How does domain flipping tackle the above two issues?

  1.  If you don’t want to start from scratch, how about buying a working website which is generating either some traffic or revenue. It can be said as a micro-acquisition. Although for this you will require some money beforehand.
  2. If you are not able to maintain your website, how about selling it for a good amount? People love websites that can be scaled. To make websites from scratch is a drag and if you have a good traffic-generating website, you can earn a good amount.

Why Sell and Buy Websites?

As a buyer:


you are entering the blogosphere, you might want to start from scratch.


the problem from starting from scratch is that you will have to spend a lot of

time thinking about the theme for your website, domain name, what the logo

should be. There are a lot of necessities that need to strike off your

checklist before you even get to produce actual content.


a website will cut this part out. You will have a registered website with

themes, logos, and banners. They might also have other social media accounts to

promote their website. You need to come with new strategies to increase the

website’s exposure.


can also buy domain names, have it with you and sell later at higher prices.

People have made a good amount of money off this. Some people create fully

functional websites and then flip them over for a good sum of money.

As a seller:


often happens when your interest vanishes from your website. Or, maybe it is

because you have committed your time to other activities. The bottom line is:

it’s getting tougher and tougher for you to maintain the website.


than waiting for the website to slowly die, with a minor investment, you can

get a 4-5 figure price for your website (for starters; if you have sufficient

stats to appeal).

You are not limited to websites, though; you can also sell your applications, online businesses, and domain name to cash in for bucks.

Here are some of the best places to sell online where. you can buy sell and trade websites

#1. Flippa

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is undoubtedly the #1 website to buy and sell websites. You ask why? Because it

was one of the first websites to pioneer this entire dealing of buying and

selling websites.

It pioneered the entire industry and has made a whopping 375 Million dollars to date. 30% of all their income came through flipping domains, and most of the remaining part came from flipping websites (working websites).

Although they started with domains, they have increased their offerings to buy and sell.


they also deal with apps, ads, SaaS, and eCommerce, all the while their major

income coming from flipping websites and domains.


has made the entire process quite easy. It works on an auction basis, kind of

like how eBay works. You might wonder how the users set the price of their

websites; Flippa has provided users with an evaluation tool.


takes in several factors: the major source of revenue, average views you are

getting, how old the domain is, and so on to calculate the best value you can

get by selling your website.

After you have the value, you can do the posting on your own, which would cost you about $15. Flippa has made it so, to make the marketplace genuine.

If you don’t want to get into the hassle of putting up an ad and everything you can also contact the company’s approved brokers who will sell it on your behalf.


one of the drawbacks is that you get charged a 10% fee if your website is sold,

and it is sold between $1-$499K (which is usually what small to medium-sized

domains get sold for).


to counter this, they have their price guarantee program according to which if

any other website is asking for a lesser success fee, Flippa will beat their

offer by 1%. Also, you have other features to boost your listings and increase

the chances of it getting sold.


fact: Mark Zuckerberg’s infamous website Facemash got sold here.

#2. Empire Flippers

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Flippers comes second when it comes to the total worth of transactions done at

$100 Million. It is a growing company and slowly catching up with Flippa.


Flippa, they have forayed into all the areas:‌SaaS, online businesses,

websites, domains, AdSense ads. They don’t deal with apps, as Flippa does.


have been cases of fraudulent transactions in Flippa, where the data that was

provided in the listing didn’t correspond to the actual data after the final

user purchased the goods. To tackle this, Empire Flippers have tried their best

to make it complete fraud-proof.


charge you a 5% refundable deposit. With this deposit, you get 12 month’s data

so that you can make a sound decision with all the right facts across the

table. Plus, the team also vets each data record carefully and diligently gives

you an expected profit margin.


make it more secure, they also set up call conversations between sellers and



have tried to differentiate themselves from Flippa in terms of security by

taking the job of the broker in their own hands. As such, they don’t contact

3rd party brokers as Flippa does. Another unique offering is their regular

podcast, which is a great show to tune into.

The major drawback with this is that to maintain this level of vetting, they charge $297 for first-time listing, which is way too much. For a repeated listing, it drops to $97, which is still higher to Flippa’s paltry $15.

But they try to counter this that this fee is refunded if they, for some reason, can’t list your business.

#3. WebsiteBroker

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was founded in 1996. Predating almost all the websites present on this list by

a decade or so.


you might expect it must be doing something right to sustain itself over the

years, that’s the most mysterious part.


haven’t adapted their styling to a more user-friendly pattern, like how the

earlier two did. They have provided you with an inbuilt valuation service so

that you can get a rough estimate of how much you should be expecting.


starts at $9.95 for standard listings and $29.95 for (premiere)domain and

$14.95 for (premiere)domain name listing. Both of these will last for 90 days,

with the premiere one supposedly gives you more exposure than the normal ones.

One plus point with this is that it doesn’t charge a success fee.


your entire cost remains economically viable, and you don’t have to shell much

compared to Empire Flippers and Flippa.


on the flip side, people have complained a lot about its poor customer service.

Where the earlier two provide some protection to buyers, here’s what

WebsiteBroker’s official FAQ‌ says:


encourage all buyers to do their diligence when purchasing a website.

WebsiteBroker is a marketplace, but we do not, and cannot, thoroughly

investigate every website that is listed. As with any marketplace, it is your

responsibility to protect yourself throughout your transaction.


not a good way to gain your user’s trust. Plus, people have complained about

poor to no response from support staff. A good number of people have been

scammed and there has been no protection against it.


fact, this one time, the same website’s listing was posted twice by the seller

even after it was sold.

#4. DigitalPoint Forum

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the other few websites mentioned here, how about doing the deal in one of the

most popular forums on the Internet?


DigitalPoint Forum, you can find people selling websites, services, domains and

lots more. It has a huge user base, and thanks to it, you can easily find

customers at bay looking to buy websites.


caters to various sections with discussions ranging from Design, Development,

Search Engines, and so on. Under the forum, there is a subsection of Domains

and Websites in buy, sell and trade.


you’re there, you can find various forum postings and look at each one



of the added benefits of using a forum is that if you reply to any forum post,

it will be made public. You can see if people have asked queries related to the

websites which can help you make a decision.

They have also diversified by making their marketplace website as a precursor to websites like Flippa. It may not be visually appealing, but they have tried to make the design pretty basic and simple.

The marketplace ads are directly connected to the forum posts, and you can choose to reply to the forum post or text in private.


forum gives you various filters to help you get your preferred domain or

website: from domain authority to page views to revenue; you can filter it out

with multiple settings available for you.

It doesn’t provide you with protection against scammers like Flippa and Empire‌Flippers do, you are at the mercy of luck and hope. But at the same time, it doesn’t charge you for any posting on the forum.

Although a few restrictions have to be met, and you can’t create a new account and start posting for advertisement.


can be a thing to worry to a certain set of people as they would just want to

sell their websites easily and don’t want to take the hassle to wait for some

time and have a minimum number of posting(one of the conditions of forum)

before allowed to do a listing on the website.

#5. New Egg Marketplace

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One of the most popular marketplaces catering to selling and buying electronic goods online, they have now expanded their base to sell almost everything on the Internet.


have to get your business, i.e., your website verified by the New Egg team and

apply to be a NewEgg seller. They have a strong marketplace with over ten and a

half million products and presence in countries like the US and America.


they approve your business, you can put a listing for your website/domain on a

new egg. They take a commission between 13-15% for every website you sell, so

that is one of the breakaway points. But it gives you a wider reach to both B2B

and B2C customers.


since they don’t give you explicit support in helping you get the domains, it

is like a regular marketplace, and you have to deal with the seller directly.

Although the legitimacy of ads can’t be doubted as NewEggs look at the

legitimacy of the business and its offering before allowing a posting on their


#6. Sedo

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of the oldest running websites in this business, Sedo, only deals with

websites. You can deal with websites, domains and even parking of websites,

which is something not offered by most of the other websites.

Sedo was founded in 2000 and has had over 19 million listed domains. If you are on the buying end, you don’t have to give them any commission over it.

There are multiple options of buying: some websites have the option of direct buy, some have the option to negotiate, and finally, some websites are up for grabs in the form of auction.


can also take the help of their expert domain brokers, although you have to pay

a hefty one-time fee of $69 and a further 15% commission for successful sales.

You can also get brokers for selling your domains and websites, in which case

you only have to pay a 15% cut for every successful sale.

To make the entire buying and selling experience a pleasant one, they offer users with domain transfer service, which helps you protect against any malpractice and scamming.

You also get a valuation service from Sedo, and they give you a report on how much your domain/website worth is. Both of these services are free for Sedo users.

Another amazing feature I liked was their parked domain. Usually, if you have a domain with yourself that is unused, you can effectively monetize it to generate extra money for yourself.

Sedo does that free for you, i.e., looks for advertisers, posts advertisements relevant to the domain name, and even paying you.


if you have an unused domain, instead of showing a page under construction or

empty page, how about making some money out of it.

#7. BuySellEmpire

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you surely want to sell your website, BuySellEmpire can give you a helping

hand. With their onboard brokers, they have an amazing 95% success rate beating

almost all the competition to one side. The brokers meticulously go through

your website or domain and plan accordingly to get your website sold.


to this website as they provide you with one of the best website broking



all the other services, it provides you with basic tools like a free website

evaluation tool so that you can get a fair idea about the money you can earn.


company’s main focus is to provide peace of mind to users: as such, they

provide you with full assistance while dealing with buyers and in-migration of



also focus emphatically on the protection against any fraud. For this, they

sign a Letter of Intents from both parties to have official documentation, and

all the payment goes through Escrow for easy transfer and better security

against any malpractice.


one of the nudging issues that they don’t mention their broker fees on their

website. They have mentioned that they charge inexpensive brokerage rates

compared to competitors; they haven’t mentioned the exact price or any range.

#8. Freemarket

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is a website coming from the popular job-outsourcing website Freelancer. They

launched this website in direct competition to websites like Flippa aimed at

entrepreneurs, SMEs, and website property owners. They follow the standard

auction and buy-it-now buying options.

To lure in the competition, they are targeting two things: offering the lowest commission rates at 5% and along with it, making it secure to transfer money.

They keep the money to themselves until the total migration of ownership has taken place, after which they release the money. Their payment structure is powered by Freelancer.com to make it more reliable and secure.


website looks good and easy-to-use, and you don’t have to pay a single penny to

get your posting on the website. The only time you will be ever charged is in

the case of a successful sale.


also have a good customer service team, in case if you need any help.


a lack of brokerage service on the platform. But there are ways to promote your

listing if you can shell out some extra bucks.


this is one of the new services on the market and if you don’t want to spend

much and worry about your sale money getting slashed and cuts you can go with


#9. Side Projectors

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Projectors is quite unique in its approach.


don’t get to buy domains here; you get to buy-side projects usually in the form

of websites. People who start with an idea but can’t dedicate their time

anymore sell it on this website. Almost on the same lines of selling a website.


also sell mobile apps and desktop applications. The website is not just about

selling; you can also look for a co-founder for your website. As well as

showcasing your project online to viewers for quick feedback.


is a very straightforward service, with no flashy visuals as at all.

The important part to note here is that Sideprojecters do not take any participation in taking care of protection against scammers or taking care of how the transfer of money is taking place between two parties.

In fact, in the FAQs, they have said that it is the users themselves who should take the utmost care while dealing with sellers.


don’t charge you for listing. You can submit your project online. Plus, there

is no option for getting you to the featured section. They take it on merit

basis, which website is good enough to be promoted on their featured section.


you are looking for fully functional websites, side projects can be a great

help to you. Although what restricts its appeal is its lack of offering of

selling and buying of domains; and the lack of support over protection against

any scamming.



usually look for websites with scope for progress and development. If your

website or blog under their criteria of selection, you can finesse some money

out of your website.


here are the top 10 websites to sell and buy websites. There’s a lot of money

to be made online just by selling and buying websites if you know some basic

rules. Not only that, if you are not able to make time for your blog/website

and you can sell it online for a good amount.


only that, but you can also flip domains which can give you a good earning.


should take into consideration how much money you are going to invest in

selling the website as most of the premium services charge you a fee for the

listing and a fee for successful deals. Knowing how much you are going to spend

can help you sort which service will be better for you, easily.

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