6 Reasons to Outsource QA Testing

The World Quality Report 2018-19 found that end-user satisfaction is now the biggest priority for the quality assurance (QA) testing process. With new, streamlined procedures, increased automation, the incorporation of artificial intelligence, and other innovations, organizations across many sectors are increasingly outsourcing QA testing to build stronger, more error-free products.

Outsourced QA testing services can benefit businesses in many ways, all with the ultimate goal of user satisfaction. If you’re considering using outside QA companies to help you create better products, here are six advantages they can offer you.

1. Experience

Software developers may have some knowledge of testing procedures, but a thorough and rigorous QA process requires the expertise of dedicated professionals. Through software QA services, you’ll be able to access the expertise of testers who are focused on finding bugs and improving the user experience.

Unlike developers, testing isn’t just one aspect of their work — it’s their whole job, and they have a specific skill set to back it up. QA companies are specialized providers who have developed procedures and trained professionals specifically to test products, leading to better end results for their clients.

Outsource QA Testing

2. Cost-effectiveness

Outsourced QA testing services come with a much lower price tag than in-house testers, whom you’ll need to pay full-time salaries and give benefits. Moreover, you’re eliminating overhead and onboarding costs when you outsource over hiring full-timers. Software QA services come with their own equipment and train their staff independently, eliminating the financial burden of those expenses for you.

Still, be wary of automatically choosing the cheapest QA companies. Often, this may mean that they lack experience or don’t deliver the best results. Do some cost comparison and look at portfolios and references of candidates you consider to ensure that the services they’re offering are up to par. 

3. Outside perspectives

Software QA outsourcing companies offer objectivity that your developers can’t provide, given how much time they’ve spent building it. When you outsource, you’re getting a fresh set of eyes, which can lead to them catching more errors or noticing aspects of your product that could be improved. They may also be able to offer you advice that you’ve never considered because you’ve been so closely involved with the product from day one.

4. Ability to focus on core business functions

If you’re considering QA testing outsourcing, that probably means you don’t have dedicated in-house testers. But you and your employees do have other areas of expertise and should be using these skills to run the other areas of your business, all of which require time and effort. When you use outsourced QA testing services, you’ll be able to spend less time worrying about testing and more time focusing on the responsibilities that fall within your area of expertise. 

This is true of the software development team, too. As discussed, developers aren’t generally experts in QA testing. When you outsource testing, the developers can better focus on building the product.

5. Efficiency

It’s important to employ rigorous and thorough testing procedures to ensure your product’s quality before it reaches the market. But, due to time constraints, some organizations may not be able to offer the dedication this process requires. Because software QA services are solely responsible for testing your product, they can increase efficiency, completing the process quickly. That’s because they have the expertise required and they’re not bogged down by other tasks, such as development. 

6. Better end results

Is QA testing necessary? Absolutely. Some organizations don’t prioritize it, thinking that the smaller-scale tests software developers conduct while building the product are enough. But this can lead to bugs falling through the cracks and factors like usability and functionality not being as satisfactory as they could be.

When you do take the time to involve dedicated QA testing professionals, especially if you do so during the development process, you’ll iron out the kinks earlier rather than later. This helps ensure that you’re delivering the highest-quality product possible when it’s time to launch it.

QA testing outsourcing has plenty of advantages, from lending an objective eye to the development of a product to improving efficiency to creating a better end result. Most of all, it increases the likelihood that you’re fulfilling your mission of satisfying the user — the ultimate goal of any business. 


Outsourcing is the fastest and easiest way to grow your business. Read more about How you can use outsourcing for your business here at khired website.


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